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Ilina, A., Pinter C., Lasso A., Lai I., Joshi C.P., Alexander K., et al. (2018).  3D Surface Scanning for Tumour Localization in Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer. 16th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO). PDF icon Ilina2018a.pdf (110.48 KB)PDF icon Ilina2018a-poster.pdf (689.19 KB)
Lasso, A., Nam HH., Dinh PV., Pinter C., Fillion-Robin J-CC., Pieper S., et al. (2018).  Interaction with Volume-Rendered Three-Dimensional Echocardiographic Images in Virtual Reality. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 31, 1158-60–.
Pinter, C., Travers B., Baum Z. M. C., Ungi T., Lasso A., Church B., et al. (2018).  Real-time transverse process delineation in tracked ultrasound for scoliosis measurement. Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO 2018). PDF icon Pinter2018a.pdf (125.23 KB)
Pinter, C., Travers B., Baum Z. M. C., Kamali S., Ungi T., Lasso A., et al. (2018).  Real-time transverse process detection in ultrasound. SPIE Medical Imaging 2018: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. PDF icon Pinter2018.pdf (297.47 KB)
Alexander, K., Pinter C., Fichtinger G., Olding T., & L. Schreiner J. (2018).  Streamlined open-source gel dosimetry analysis in 3D slicer. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express. 4, 045041.PDF icon Alexander2018.pdf (3.13 MB)
Ilina, A., Pinter C., Lasso A., Lai I., Joshi C.P., Alexander K., et al. (2018).  Target Definition with 3D Surface Scanning for Orthovoltage Radiation Therapy Planning. CARS. PDF icon Ilina2018b.pdf (153.33 KB)
Poulin, E., Boudam K., Pinter C., Kadoury S., Lasso A., Fichtinger G., et al. (2018).  Validation of MRI to TRUS registration for HDR prostate brachytherapy. Brachytherapy. 17, 283-290.PDF icon Poulin2018.pdf (2.46 MB)
Suriyakumar, V. M., Xu R., Pinter C., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Collision detection for external beam radiation therapy applications in SlicerRT. 15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposiuim. PDF icon Suriyakumar2017b.pdf (141.8 KB)PDF icon Suriyakumar2017b-poster.pdf (802.83 KB)
Herz, C., Fillion-Robin J-CC., Onken M., Riesmeier J., Lasso A., Pinter C., et al. (2017).  dcmqi: An Open Source Library for Standardized Communication of Quantitative Image Analysis Results Using DICOM. Cancer Research. 77, e87–e90.PDF icon Herz2017.pdf (459.73 KB)
Sunderland, K. R., Pinter C., Lasso A., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Fractional labelmaps for computing accurate dose volume histograms. SPIE Medical Imaging. PDF icon Sunderland2017a.pdf (579.92 KB)
Moult, E., Lasso A., Ungi T., Pinter C., Welch M., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Improved temporal calibration of tracked ultrasound: an open-source solution. Journal of Medical Robotics Research. 2, 1750008.PDF icon Moult2017.pdf (640.92 KB)
Sharp, G. C., Pinter C., Unkelbach J., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Open Source Proton Treatment Planning in 3D Slicer: Status Update. Proceedings to the 56 Annual Meeting of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG). 4, 14-83.
Suriyakumar, V. M., Xu R., Pinter C., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Open-source software for collision detection in external beam radiation therapy. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017. PDF icon Suriyakumar2017a.pdf (634.39 KB)
Poulin, E. (2017).  Validation Of MRI To US Registration For Focal Hdr Prostate Brachytherapy Treatment. (Boudam, K., Pinter C., Kadoury S., Lasso A., Fichtinger G., & Menard C., Ed.).Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society. 16, S56-S57.PDF icon Poulin2017.pdf (1.17 MB)
