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Rivaz, H., Fleming I., Assumpcao L., Fichtinger G., Hamper U., Choti M., et al. (2008).  Ablation monitoring with elastography: 2D in-vivo and 3D ex-vivo studies. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, 458–466.PDF icon Rivaz2008b_0.pdf (7.26 MB)
Rivaz, H., Boctor E., Foroughi P., Zellars R., Fichtinger G., & Hager G. D. (2008).  Ultrasound elastography: a dynamic programming approach. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 27, 1373–1377.PDF icon Rivaz2008a.pdf (364.08 KB)
Rivaz, H., Boctor E., & Fichtinger G. (2006).  Ultrasound Speckle Detection Using Low Order Moments. Procedings IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium. 2092–2095.PDF icon Rivaz2006.pdf (545.61 KB)