Accuracy of the Microsoft HoloLens for neurosurgical burr hole placement.
16th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
Rae2018b.pdf (180.54 KB)
Neurosurgical burr hole placement using the Microsoft HoloLens.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2018: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. 10576, 105760T.
Rae2018a.pdf (491.34 KB)
Accuracy of lesion boundary tracking in navigated breast tumor excision.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2016. 9786, 97860Y-1-6.
Heffernan2016-manuscript.pdf (303.45 KB)
Visual feedback mounted on surgical tool: proof of concept.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2016. 9786,
(2016). Current sensing for navigated electrosurgery .
13th Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (ImNO 2015). 37.
Carter2015b-slides.pptx (935.35 KB)
Carter2015b-poster.pptx (841.73 KB)
Carter2015b.pdf (148.88 KB)

Visual feedback mounted on surgical tool.
13th Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (ImNO 2015). 36.
Carter2015a.pdf (123.23 KB)
Carter2015a-poster.pptx (3.24 MB)
Carter2015a-slides.pptx (21.62 MB)