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Scanlan, A. B., Nguyen A. V., Ilina A., Lasso A., Cripe L., Jegatheeswaran A., et al. (2017).  Comparison of 3D Echocardiogram-Derived 3D Printed Valve Models to Molded Models for Simulated Repair of Pediatric Atrioventricular Valves. Pediatric Cardiology. PDF icon Scanlan2017.pdf (1.72 MB)
Ilina, A., Lasso A., Jolley MA., Wohler B., Nguyen A. V., Scanlan A. B., et al. (2017).  Creating patient-specific anatomical models from highly elastic materials using 3D-printed molds. 15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO). PDF icon Ilina2017b.pdf (151.56 KB)PDF icon Ilina2017b-poster.pdf (812.75 KB)
Herz, C., Fillion-Robin J-CC., Onken M., Riesmeier J., Lasso A., Pinter C., et al. (2017).  dcmqi: An Open Source Library for Standardized Communication of Quantitative Image Analysis Results Using DICOM. Cancer Research. 77, e87–e90.PDF icon Herz2017.pdf (459.73 KB)
Brastianos, H., Vaughan T., Lasso A., Westerland M., Gooding J., Ungi T., et al. (2017).  Demonstration of Catheter Insertion Using Electromagnetic Guidance in Breast Brachytherapy. European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO) Annual Congress. Radiother Oncol 123(Supplement 1), S91.
Vaughan, T., Brastianos H., Lasso A., Ungi T., Falkson C., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Electromagnetically-generated catheter paths for breast brachytherapy. 15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO). PDF icon Vaughan2017b.pdf (259.27 KB)
Baum, Z. M. C., Ungi T., Lasso A., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Evaluation of a mobile, real-time, tracked augmented reality display for surgical navigation. 15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposiuim. PDF icon Baum2017b.pdf (276.46 KB)
House, R., Lasso A., Harish V., Baum Z. M. C., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Evaluation of the Intel RealSense SR300 camera for image-guided interventions and application in vertebral level localization. SPIE Medical Imaging . PDF icon House2017a.pdf (754 KB)
Sunderland, K. R., Pinter C., Lasso A., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Fractional labelmaps for computing accurate dose volume histograms. SPIE Medical Imaging. PDF icon Sunderland2017a.pdf (579.92 KB)
Pouch, A. M., Aly A. H., Lasso A., Nguyen A. V., Scanlan A. B., McGowan FX., et al. (2017).  Image Segmentation and Modeling of the Pediatric Tricuspid Valve in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Functional Imaging and Modelling of the Heart - 9th International Conference, {FIMH} 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 11-13, 2017, Proceedings. 95–105.PDF icon Pouch2017.pdf (2.03 MB)
Moult, E., Lasso A., Ungi T., Pinter C., Welch M., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Improved temporal calibration of tracked ultrasound: an open-source solution. Journal of Medical Robotics Research. 2, 1750008.PDF icon Moult2017.pdf (640.92 KB)
Kamali, S., Ungi T., Lasso A., Yan C., Lougheed M., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Localization of the transverse processes in ultrasound for spinal curvature measurement. SPIE Medical Imaging. 10135, 101350I-101350I-7.PDF icon Kamali2017a.pdf (1.1 MB)
Harish, V., Bibic E., Lasso A., Holden M., Vaughan T., Baum Z. M. C., et al. (2017).  Monitoring electromagnetic tracking error using redundant sensors. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017. PDF icon Harish2017a.pdf (657.31 KB)
Sharp, G. C., Pinter C., Unkelbach J., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Open Source Proton Treatment Planning in 3D Slicer: Status Update. Proceedings to the 56 Annual Meeting of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG). 4, 14-83.
Suriyakumar, V. M., Xu R., Pinter C., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Open-source software for collision detection in external beam radiation therapy. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017. PDF icon Suriyakumar2017a.pdf (634.39 KB)
Holden, M., Keri Z., Ungi T., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Overall Proficiency Assessment in Point-of-Care Ultrasound Interventions: The Stopwatch is not Enough. Point-of-Care Ultrasound Workshop. LNCS 10549, 146-153.PDF icon Holden2017b.pdf (491.19 KB)File Holden2017b-Slides.pptx (5.4 MB)
Ilina, A., Lasso A., Jolley MA., Wohler B., Nguyen A. V., Scanlan A. B., et al. (2017).  Patient-specific pediatric silicone heart valve models based on 3D ultrasound. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017. 10135, PDF icon Ilina2017a.pdf (499.59 KB)
Bibic, E., Baum Z. M. C., Harish V., Ungi T., Lasso A., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  PLUS Model Catalog: A library of 3D-printable models. 15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposiuim. PDF icon Bibic2017a.pdf (256.64 KB)File Bibic2017a-Poster.pptx (6.07 MB)
Yan, C., Ungi T., Gauvin G., Jabs D., Lasso A., C. Engel J., et al. (2017).  Quantification of tumor localization needle displacement prior to tumor excision in navigated lumpectomy. 15th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario (ImNO). PDF icon Yan2017b.pdf (150.77 KB)File Yan-IMNO-v3.pptx (1 MB)
Brastianos, H., Vaughan T., Lasso A., Westerland M., Gooding J., Fichtinger G., et al. (2017).  Real Time Electomagnetic Reconstruction of Catheter Paths in Multi-Catheter Interstitial Brachytherapy: A Phantom Model. American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 99(2, Supplement), E642.
Baum, Z. M. C., Ungi T., Lasso A., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Real-Time, Tracked, Mobile Augmented Reality Display for Surgical Navigation: Usability Study on Simulated Patients. The 9th IGT Workshop. PDF icon Baum2017c.pdf (172.76 KB)
Holden, M., Keri Z., Ungi T., Yeo C., Ring J., Fichtinger G., et al. (2017).  Reducing Cost and Complexity in Computer-Assisted Training for Lumpectomy. William Ersil Resident Research Day. PDF icon Holden2017c.pdf (60.83 KB)PDF icon Holden2017c-poster.pdf (681.31 KB)
Church, B. (2017).  Scoliosis visualization using transverse process landmarks. (Lasso, A., Schlenger C., Borschneck D. P., Mousavi P., Fichtinger G., & Ungi T., Ed.).15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO). PDF icon Church2017b.pdf (165.6 KB)PDF icon Church2017b-poster.pdf (872.64 KB)
Underwood, G., Ungi T., Baum Z. M. C., Lasso A., Kronreif G., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Skull registration for prone patient position using tracked ultrasound. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017. PDF icon Underwood2017.pdf (1.5 MB)
Bell, C., McKaigney C., Holden M., Fichtinger G., & Rang L. (2017).  Sonographic accuracy as a novel tool for point of care ultrasound competency assessment. Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training. 1, 316-324.PDF icon Bell2017a-Manuscript.pdf (1.3 MB)
Yan, C., Ungi T., Gauvin G., Jabs D., Lasso A., C. Engel J., et al. (2017).  Study into the displacement of tumor localization needle during navigated breast cancer surgery. SPIE Medical Imaging. PDF icon Yan2017a.pdf (564.16 KB)
