Evaluation of accuracy and clinical feasibility of the MR-compatible image overlay.
8th Interventional MRI Symposium.
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Augmented Reality Needle Guidance Improves Facet Joint Injection Training.
SPIE Medical Imaging. 7964, 79642E 1-7.
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Augmented reality training to improve needle-based percutaneous interventions.
ImNO2011 - Imaging Network Ontario Symposium.
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Augmented Reality Visualization Using Image-overlay for MR-guided Interventions: Assessment of Performance in Cadaveric Shoulder and Hip Arthrography.
RSNA 97th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting.
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The Effect of Augmented Reality Training on Percutaneous Needle Placement in Spinal Facet Joint Injections.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 58, 2031-7.
Yeo2011.pdf (692.74 KB)
MR Image Overlay Adjustable Plane System for Percutaneous Musculoskeletal Interventions.
4th NCIGT and NIH Image Guided Therapy Workshop. 4,
IGTworkshop2011_MR_IOAPS_poster_abstract_paweena.pdf (30.44 KB)
Perk Station image overlay improves training of facet joint injections.
4th NCIGT and NIH Image Guided Therapy Workshop. 4, 118.
Ungi-NCIGTWS2011-PerkStation_rev01.pdf (270.55 KB)
PLUS: An open-source toolkit for developing ultrasound-guided intervention systems.
4th NCIGT and NIH Image Guided Therapy Workshop. 4, 103.
Lasso2011c.pdf (251.69 KB)
Lasso2011c-poster.pdf (786.61 KB)

Augmented Reality Visualization Using Image-Overlay for MR-guided Interventions: Performance Assessment of Paravertebral Sympathetic Perineural Injections in Cadavers at 1.5 Tesla.
CARS 2012 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. S509-S511.
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Augmented Reality Visualization Using Image-Overlay for MR-Guided Interventions: Accuracy for Lumbar Spinal Procedures with a 1.5-Tesla MRI scanner..
American Journal of Roentgenology. 198, W266-73.
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Augmented Reality Visualization with Use of Image Overlay Technology for MR Imaging–guided Interventions: Assessment of Performance in Cadaveric Shoulder and Hip Arthrography at 1.5 T.
Radiology. 265, 254-259.
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Implementation of the PLUS open-source toolkit for translational research of ultrasound-guided intervention systems.
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2012) - Systems and Architectures for Computer Assisted Interventions. 1-12.
Lasso2012d.pdf (182.24 KB)
Lasso2012d-slides.pdf (182.24 KB)

MR Image Overlay Guidance: System Evaluation for Clinical Use.
CARS 2012 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. S179-S180.
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Open-source training platform for ultrasound-guided needle insertions.
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2012) - Systems and Architectures for Computer Assisted Interventions.
Ungi2012d.pdf (47.57 KB)
Perk Tutor: An open-source training platform for ultrasound-guided needle insertions.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 59, 3475-3481.
Ungi2012c.pdf (610.32 KB)
PLUS: An open-source toolkit for ultrasound-guided intervention systems development.
ImNO2012 - Imaging Network Ontario Symposium.
Lasso2012a.pdf (183.65 KB)
Spinal Needle Navigation by Tracked Ultrasound Snapshots.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 59, 2766-2772.
Ungi2012b.pdf (710.47 KB)
Surgical Motion Characterization in Simulated Needle-Insertion Procedures.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2012. 8316-31.
Holden2012a.pdf (173.03 KB)
Ultrasound-guided spinal needle placement on open source platform.
ImNO2012 - Imaging Network Ontario Symposium.
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Augmented reality visualisation using an image overlay system for MR-guided interventions: technical performance of spine injection procedures in human cadavers at 1.5 Tesla.
European Radiology. 23, 235-245.
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Augmented Reality Visualization Using Image Overlay Technology for MR-Guided Interventions: Cadaveric Bone Biopsy at 1.5 T.
Investigative Radiology. 48,
Fritz2013b.pdf (1.15 MB)
Freehand ultrasound calibration: phantom versus tracked pointer.
Welch2013b.pdf (416.73 KB)
Mobile Image Overlay System for Image Guided Interventions.
6th NCIGT and NIH Image Guided Therapy Workshop.
Anand2013a.pdf (44.97 KB)
Anand2013a-poster.pdf (474.52 KB)

16th Annual Scientific Meeting for Health Science Research Trainees, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University.
MIOSQFHSRTD2013Abstract.pdf (16.62 KB)
MIOSNIGT2013_0.pdf (474.52 KB)