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Pinter, C., Lasso A., Wang A., Jaffray D., & Fichtinger G. (2012).  Application of the SlicerRT toolkit for image-guided radiation therapy research. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2012) - Image-Guidance and Multimodal Dose Planning in Radiation Therapy. PDF icon Pinter2012c.pdf (74.97 KB)
Lasso, A., Heffter T., Pinter C., Ungi T., & Fichtinger G. (2012).  Implementation of the PLUS open-source toolkit for translational research of ultrasound-guided intervention systems. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2012) - Systems and Architectures for Computer Assisted Interventions. 1-12.PDF icon Lasso2012d.pdf (182.24 KB)PDF icon Lasso2012d-slides.pdf (182.24 KB)
Ungi, T., Sargent D., Moult E., Lasso A., Pinter C., McGraw R. C., et al. (2012).  Perk Tutor: An open-source training platform for ultrasound-guided needle insertions. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 59, 3475-3481.PDF icon Ungi2012c.pdf (610.32 KB)
Lasso, A., Heffter T., Pinter C., Ungi T., Chen T. K., Boucharin A., et al. (2012).  PLUS: An open-source toolkit for ultrasound-guided intervention systems development. ImNO2012 - Imaging Network Ontario Symposium. PDF icon Lasso2012a.pdf (183.65 KB)
Pinter, C., Lasso A., Wang A., Jaffray D., & Fichtinger G. (2012).  SlicerRT - Radiation therapy research toolkit for 3D Slicer. Medical Physics. 39, 6332/7.PDF icon Pinter2012-manuscript.pdf (676.7 KB)PDF icon Pinter2012.pdf (1.56 MB)
Pinter, C., Lasso A., Wang A., & Fichtinger G. (2012).  SlicerRT – Radiotherapy toolkit for 3D Slicer. ImNO2012 - Imaging Network Ontario Symposium. PDF icon Pinter2012.pdf (56.24 KB)PDF icon Pinter2012-poster.pdf (572.28 KB)
