Automated Brachytherapy Calibration: System and Phantom Design.
ImNO2013 - Imaging Network Ontario Symposium.
Ogilvie2013.pdf (91.51 KB)
Ogilvie2013-poster.pdf (399.14 KB)

Prototyping Clinical Applications with the Public Library for Ultrasound (PLUS) Toolkit and 3D Slicer.
6th Image Guided Therapy Workshop. 6, 34.
Lasso2013a.pdf (2.92 MB)
Prototyping image-guided therapy applications using the SlicerIGT platform.
6th Image Guided Therapy Workshop. 6, 61.
Ungi2013c.pdf (70.01 KB)
SlicerIGT: Open-source platform for image-guided needle interventions.
ImNO2013 - Imaging Network Ontario Symposium.
Ungi2013a.pdf (574.62 KB)
3D Printed Patient-Specific Surface Mould Applicators for Brachytherapy Treatment of Superficial Lesions.
American Association Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). 41 (abstract in Medical Physics)(6),
Cumming2014.pdf (148.57 KB)
Design of a tracked ultrasound calibration phantom made of LEGO bricks.
SPIE Medical ImagingMedical Imaging 2014: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. 9036, 90362C.
(2014). PLUS: Open-source toolkit for ultrasound-guided intervention systems.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 61, 2527-2537.
Lasso2014a-manuscript.pdf (1.24 MB)
Tracked ultrasound calibration studies with a phantom made of LEGO(r) bricks.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2014. 9036, 90362R.
Soehl2014-manuscript.pdf (378.21 KB)
Tracked ultrasound calibration studies with a phantom made of LEGO® bricks.
12th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium.
Soehl2014a-manuscript.pdf (223.24 KB)
3D-printed surface mould applicator for high-dose-rate brachytherapy.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2015. 9415,
Schumacher2015-manuscript.pdf (739.76 KB)
Schumacher2015-poster.pdf (1.7 MB)