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Rivaz, H., Fleming I., Assumpcao L., Fichtinger G., Hamper U., Choti M., et al. (2008).  Ablation monitoring with elastography: 2D in-vivo and 3D ex-vivo studies. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, 458–466.PDF icon Rivaz2008b_0.pdf (7.26 MB)
Foroughi, P., Song D. Y., Chintalapani G., Taylor R. H., & Fichtinger G. (2008).  Localization of pelvic anatomical coordinate system using US/atlas registration for total hip replacement. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, 871–879.PDF icon Foroughi2008.pdf (851.52 KB)
Metaxas, D., Axel L., Fichtinger G., & Szekely G. (2008).  Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention–Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2008 Preface. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, V–VII.
Lee, J., Liu X., Prince J. L., & Fichtinger G. (2008).  Prostate brachytherapy seed localization with Gaussian blurring and camera self-calibration. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, 636–643.PDF icon Lee2008a.pdf (217.92 KB)
Hefny, M., Abolmaesumi P., Karim-Aghaloo Z., Gobbi D., Ellis R., & Fichtinger G. (2008).  Quantification of edematic effects in prostate brachytherapy interventions. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, 493–500.PDF icon Hefny2008.pdf (408.83 KB)
Tokuda, J., Fischer G., Csoma C., DiMaio S., Gobbi D., Fichtinger G., et al. (2008).  Software strategy for robotic transperineal prostate therapy in closed-bore MRI. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, 701–709.PDF icon Tokuda2008.pdf (3.22 MB)
Karim-Aghaloo, Z., Shrawane P., Abolmaesumi P., Fichtinger G., & Rohling R. (2008).  Towards detecting surgical clips in 3D ultrasound for target localization in radiation therapy: a study on tissue phantoms. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2008, 5282–5285.PDF icon Karim-Aghaloo2008.pdf (406.29 KB)
Rivaz, H., Boctor E., Foroughi P., Zellars R., Fichtinger G., & Hager G. D. (2008).  Ultrasound elastography: a dynamic programming approach. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 27, 1373–1377.PDF icon Rivaz2008a.pdf (364.08 KB)
Krieger, A., Csoma C., Iordachita I., Guion P., Singh A. K., Fichtinger G., et al. (2007).  Design and preliminary accuracy studies of an MRI-guided transrectal prostate intervention system. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 10, 59–67.PDF icon Krieger2007a.pdf (1.41 MB)
Kazanzides, P., Chang J., Iordachita I., Li J., Ling C., & Fichtinger G. (2007).  Development of an image-guided robot for small animal research. Journal of Computer Aided Surgery. 12, 357–365.PDF icon Kazanzides2007.pdf (816.37 KB)
DiMaio, S., Samset E., Fischer G., Iordachita I., Fichtinger G., Jolesz F., et al. (2007).  Dynamic MRI scan plane control for passive tracking of instruments and devices. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 10, 50–58.PDF icon DiMaio2007.pdf (3.16 MB)
Jain, A. K., Degeut A., Iordachita I., Chintalapani G., Blevins J., Yi L., et al. (2007).  Intra-operative 3D guidance in prostate brachytherapy using a non-isocentric C-arm. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 10, 9–17.PDF icon Jain2007.pdf (3.49 MB)
Singh, A. K., Krieger A., Lattouf J-B., Guion P., Grubb, III R.L., Albert P., et al. (2007).  Patient selection determines the prostate cancer yield of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging-guided transrectal biopsies in a closed 3-Tesla scanner. British Journal of Urology international. 101, 181–185.PDF icon Singh2007a.pdf (226.16 KB)
Liu, X., Jain A. K., & Fichtinger G. (2007).  Prostate implant reconstruction with discrete tomography. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 10, 734–742.PDF icon Liu2007.pdf (615.02 KB)
Krupa, A., Fichtinger G., & Hager G. D. (2007).  Real-time tissue tracking with B-mode ultrasound using speckle and visual servoing. Tenth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 10, 1–8.PDF icon Krupa2007.pdf (5.31 MB)
Labat, C., Jain A. K., Fichtinger G., & Prince J. L. (2007).  Toward optimal matching for 3D reconstruction of brachytherapy seeds. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 10, 701–709.PDF icon Labat2007.pdf (377.32 KB)
Blumenfeld, P., Hata N., DiMaio S., Zou K., Haker S., Fichtinger G., et al. (2007).  Transperineal prostate biopsy under magnetic resonance image guidance: a needle placement accuracy study. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging. 26, 688–694.PDF icon Blumenfeld2007.pdf (393.43 KB)
