Open-source platforms for navigated image-guided interventions.
Medical Image Analysis. 33, 181-6.
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Real-time self-calibration of a handheld augmented reality overlay system.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
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Real-time self-calibration of a tracked augmented reality display.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2016. 9786,
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Safety and Feasibility Study for Real-Time Electromagnetic Navigation in Breast-Conserving Surgery.
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 30th International Congress. 11(Suppl. 1), S106-7.
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System for objectively evaluating colonoscopy procedural skills using motion analysis.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
(2016). Vertebral landmark visualization with portable ultrasound imaging in scoliosis monitoring.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
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Visual feedback mounted on surgical tool: proof of concept.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2016. 9786,
(2016). 3D Gaze Tracking based on Eye and Head Pose Tracking.
Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics.
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An application of redundant sensors for intraoperative electromagnetic tracking error monitoring.
15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium.
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Assessing Technical Competency in Simulated Colonoscopy Using Joint Motion Analysis.
15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
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Collision detection for external beam radiation therapy applications in SlicerRT.
15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposiuim.
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Comparison of 3D Echocardiogram-Derived 3D Printed Valve Models to Molded Models for Simulated Repair of Pediatric Atrioventricular Valves.
Pediatric Cardiology.
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Creating patient-specific anatomical models from highly elastic materials using 3D-printed molds.
15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
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dcmqi: An Open Source Library for Standardized Communication of Quantitative Image Analysis Results Using DICOM.
Cancer Research. 77, e87–e90.
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Demonstration of Catheter Insertion Using Electromagnetic Guidance in Breast Brachytherapy.
European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO) Annual Congress. Radiother Oncol 123(Supplement 1), S91.
(2017). Electromagnetically-generated catheter paths for breast brachytherapy.
15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
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Evaluation of a mobile, real-time, tracked augmented reality display for surgical navigation.
15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposiuim.
Baum2017b.pdf (276.46 KB)
Evaluation of the Intel RealSense SR300 camera for image-guided interventions and application in vertebral level localization.
SPIE Medical Imaging .
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Fractional labelmaps for computing accurate dose volume histograms.
SPIE Medical Imaging.
Sunderland2017a.pdf (579.92 KB)
Image Segmentation and Modeling of the Pediatric Tricuspid Valve in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
Functional Imaging and Modelling of the Heart - 9th International Conference, {FIMH} 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 11-13, 2017, Proceedings. 95–105.
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Improved temporal calibration of tracked ultrasound: an open-source solution.
Journal of Medical Robotics Research. 2, 1750008.
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Localization of the transverse processes in ultrasound for spinal curvature measurement.
SPIE Medical Imaging. 10135, 101350I-101350I-7.
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Monitoring electromagnetic tracking error using redundant sensors.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2017.
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Open Source Proton Treatment Planning in 3D Slicer: Status Update.
Proceedings to the 56 Annual Meeting of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG). 4, 14-83.
(2017). Open-source software for collision detection in external beam radiation therapy.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2017.
Suriyakumar2017a.pdf (634.39 KB)