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Krieger, A., Csoma C., Guion P., Iordachita I., Metzger G., Qian D., et al. (2007).  Phantom Experiments with a Novel MR-Guided Transrectal Prostate Interventional System. International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). PDF icon Krieger2007.pdf (89.24 KB)
Liu, X., Jain A. K., & Fichtinger G. (2007).  Prostate implant reconstruction with discrete tomography. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 10, 734–742.PDF icon Liu2007.pdf (615.02 KB)
Krupa, A., Fichtinger G., & Hager G. D. (2007).  Real-time 6 DOF Tissue Tracking with B-Mode Ultrasound Using Speckle and Visual Servoing. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4792, 1-8.PDF icon Krupa2007a_0.pdf (5.31 MB)
Krupa, A., Fichtinger G., & Hager G. D. (2007).  Real-time tissue tracking with B-mode ultrasound using speckle and visual servoing. Tenth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 10, 1–8.PDF icon Krupa2007.pdf (5.31 MB)
DiMaio, S., Pieper S., Chinzei K., Hata N., Haker S., Kacher D., et al. (2007).  Robot-assisted needle placement in open MRI: system architecture, integration and validation. Journal of Computer Aided Surgery. 12, 15–24.PDF icon DiMaio2007a.pdf (372.98 KB)
Fichtinger, G., Fiene J., Kennedy C., Kronreif G., Iordachita I., Song D. Y., et al. (2007).  Robotic assistance for ultrasound guided prostate brachytherapy. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 4791, 119–127.PDF icon Fichtinger2007c.pdf (3.85 MB)
Fichtinger, G., Fiene J., Kennedy C., Iordachita I., Kronreif G., Song D. Y., et al. (2007).  Robotic Assistance for Ultrasound Guided Prostate Brachytherapy. The Fourth AdMeTech Foundation Conference: Ending the Era of Blind Cancer Care & Creating a Future of Image-Guided, Minimally Invasive Diagnosis & Treatment.
Fischer, G., DiMaio S., Iordachita I., & Fichtinger G. (2007).  Robotic assistant for transperineal prostate interventions in 3T closed MRI. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 10, 425–433.PDF icon Fischer2007b.pdf (1.22 MB)
Rivaz, H., Boctor E., & Fichtinger G. (2007).  A robust meshing and calibration approach for sensorless freehand 3D ultrasound. Medical Imaging 2007: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing. 6513, 651318.PDF icon Rivaz2007a.pdf (451.04 KB)
Singh, A. K., Guion P., Sears-Crouse N., Ullman K., Smith S., Albert P., et al. (2007).  Simultaneous integrated boost of biopsy proven and MRI defined dominant intra-prostatic lesions to 95 Gray with IMRT: early results of a phase I NCI study. Radiation Oncology. 2, 36.PDF icon Singh2007b.pdf (482.13 KB)
Rivaz, H., Hager G. D., Zellars R., Fichtinger G., & Boctor E. (2007).  Speckle Characterization And Out-Of-Plane Motion Estimation In Tissue. Sixth International Conference on the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity.
Zhan, Y., Shen D., Zeng J., Sun L., Fichtinger G., Moul J., et al. (2007).  Targeted Prostate Biopsy Using Statistical Image Analysis. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 26, 779–788.PDF icon Zhan2007.pdf (1.47 MB)
Labat, C., Jain A. K., Fichtinger G., & Prince J. L. (2007).  Toward optimal matching for 3D reconstruction of brachytherapy seeds. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 10, 701–709.PDF icon Labat2007.pdf (377.32 KB)
Rivaz, H., Foroughi P., Boctor E., Zellars R., Fichtinger G., & Hager G. D. (2007).  Toward Real-Time 2d Ultrasound Elastography Using Global Optimization Of A Regularized Displacement Field. Sixth International Conference on the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity.
Blumenfeld, P., Hata N., DiMaio S., Zou K., Haker S., Fichtinger G., et al. (2007).  Transperineal prostate biopsy under magnetic resonance image guidance: a needle placement accuracy study. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging. 26, 688–694.PDF icon Blumenfeld2007.pdf (393.43 KB)
Rivaz, H., Foroughi P., Boctor E., Zellars R., Fichtinger G., & Hager G. D. (2007).  Ultrasound Elastography: a Dynamic Programming Approach. Workshop to the 10th MICCAI Conference.
Fischer, G., Dyer E., Csoma C., Degeut A., & Fichtinger G. (2007).  Validation system of MR image overlay and other needle insertion techniques. Studies in health technology and informatics. 125, 130–135.PDF icon Fischer2007a.pdf (404.46 KB)
Metaxas, D., Axel L., Fichtinger G., & Szekely G. (2008).  11th International Conference, New York, NY, USA, September 6-10, 2008 Proceedings, Part II Preface. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, V–VIII.
Rivaz, H., Fleming I., Assumpcao L., Fichtinger G., Hamper U., Choti M., et al. (2008).  Ablation monitoring with elastography: 2D in-vivo and 3D ex-vivo studies. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, 458–466.PDF icon Rivaz2008b_0.pdf (7.26 MB)
Aboofazeli, M., Fichtinger G., & Abolmaesumi P. (2008).  Automated curved needle segmentation in three-dimensional ultrasound images. Proceedings of Workshop on Needle Steering: Recent Results and Future Opportunities, a Satellite Workshop of International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.
Aboofazeli, M., Fichtinger G., & Abolmaesumi P. (2008).  Automated curved needle segmentation in three-dimensional ultrasound images. 7th Imaging Symposium of the Imaging Network of Ontario.
Foroughi, P., Taylor R. H., & Fichtinger G. (2008).  Automatic initialization for 3D bone registration. (Miga, M. I., & Cleary K., Ed.).Medical Imaging 2008: Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Modeling. 6918, 69182P.PDF icon Foroughi2008b.pdf (593.71 KB)
Kazanzides, P., Song D. Y., Fiene J., E. Burdette C., Kronreif G., Ptacek W., et al. (2008).  Clinical Trials of a Robot Assistant for Ultrasound-Guided Prostate Brachytherapy. Abstract in Minimally Invasive Therapy, 20th International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT). 14, 213.
Chintalapani, G., Jain A. K., Burkhardt D., Prince J. L., & Fichtinger G. (2008).  CTREC: C-arm tracking and reconstruction using elliptic curves. Procedings IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops CVPR Workshops 2008. 1–7.PDF icon Chintalapani2008.pdf (297.91 KB)
Chintalapani, G., Jain A. K., Burkhardt D., Prince J. L., & Fichtinger G. (2008).  CTREC - C-arm tracking and reconstruction using elliptic curves. International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA). PDF icon Chintalapani2008a.pdf (297.91 KB)
