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Boctor, E., de Oliveira M., Choti M., Ghanem R., Taylor R. H., Hager G. D., et al. (2006).  Ultrasound monitoring of tissue ablation via deformation model and shape priors. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 9, 405–412.PDF icon Boctor2006b.pdf (6.61 MB)
de Oliveira, M., Degeut A., Fischer G., Balogh E., Taylor R. H., Fayad L., et al. (2005).  Image Overlay for CT-Guided Hepatic Needle Insertions - Cadaver Studies. Annual congress of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons. pp 243-244.PDF icon DeOliveira2005.pdf (365.48 KB)
Fichtinger, G., Degeut A., Fischer G., Iordachita I., Balogh E., Masamune K., et al. (2005).  Image overlay for CT-guided needle insertions. Journal of Computer Aided Surgery. 10, 241–255.PDF icon Fichtinger_JCAS2005.pdf (447.92 KB)
de Oliveira, M., Boctor E., Awad M., Taylor R. H., Fichtinger G., & Choti M. (2005).  Robot-assisted 3D strain imaging for monitoring thermal ablation of liver. Annual congress of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons. 240-241.PDF icon DeOliveira2005a.pdf (35.9 KB)