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An image-guidance system for dynamic dose calculation in prostate brachytherapy using ultrasound and fluoroscopy.
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Ultrasound–fluoroscopy registration for prostate brachytherapy dosimetry.
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Prostate brachytherapy seed localization using a mobile C-arm without tracking.
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Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Reconstruction with Gaussian Blurring and Optimal Coverage Cost.
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Reduced-Dimensionality Matching For 3-D Reconstruction Of Prostate Brachytherapy Implants From Incomplete Data.
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Prostate brachytherapy seed localization with Gaussian blurring and camera self-calibration.
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (MICCAI). 11, 636–643.
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Tomosynthesis-based radioactive seed localization in prostate brachytherapy using modified distance map images.
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