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Gift from an anonymous student

This bottle of fine Italian vinegar is a gift from an anonymous student to commemorate his/her sweet experience in the PerkLab. As a feeble attempt to curtail the number of students applying to the Perk Lab, we have commissioned a large banner to be hanged over the entrance of the Perk Lab. The banner will say "No Sugar Added". This vinegar bottle will hang on a string under the banner. Stay tuned for the photo of the composition.


Mattea Welch receives NSERC USRA Award

Mattea Welch  received the Undergrad Student Research Award from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  Mattea  has been apprenticing in Perk Lab as undergraduate course student and researcher. Mattea has participated in work with the PerkTutor and contributed to a journal article in review and a conference paper as a co-author. This summer she will develop surgical performance scoring approaches for spinal needle insertion training.




Andras Lasso receives commendation from the Principal of Queen's University

Andras Lasso received the highest commendation from the Principal of Queen's University.

Principal Woolf's letter praised the accomplishments and contributions Andras has been making to the University and the School of Computing. The Principal was particularly impressed by the world-class medical image computing research competence and the vaste industrial experience of Andras.

Andras, we are very proud of you!
