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Funding awarded for forming CCO Applied Cancer Research Unit

The PerkLab received significant support from Cancer Care Ontario from their Applied Cancer Research Unit program. The funding is for setting up a team for System Prototyping in Image-Guided Robotic Percutaneous Intervention, which will develop reusable and customizable software infrastructures to assist clinical translation of experimental diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The support is for 5 years.

Laura Bartha is a Finalist in the CRA's Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award competition

Our Laura Bartha has been selected as a Finalist in the Computing Research Association's Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award competition for 2011. Laura's win is all the more impressive when one notes that the top 17 award recipients come from Princeton, Harvard, Rice, Tufts, Virginia Tech, Yale, Queen's, Vanderbilt, Rochester, Minnesota, Texas A&M, William and Mary, Berkeley, San Diego, and Brown.

Another milestone to the Perk Lab - Prostate biopsy using APT system with 3D Slicer

Yesterday morning our 56th patient procedure with the APT system we successfully conducted. This was the first APT case to employ navigation with 3D Slicer and Andras Lasso's ProstateNav module.  The software worked flawlessly, and made it easy to detect some patient motion that occurred during the procedure.  Two injections and four biopsies were obtained. This was the 3rd patient at Johns Hopkins Hospital in collaboration with Katarzyna Macura M.D. Congratulations to Andras Lasso on his excellent work!
