Laboratory for Percutaneous Surgery
Khallaghi, S., Abolmaesumi P., Gong R. Hui, Chen E. C. S., Gill S., Boisvert J., et al. (2011). GPU accelerated registration of a statistical shape model of the lumbar spine to 3D ultrasound images. SPIE Medical Imaging. 7964, 79642W. Khallaghi2011.pdf (323.38 KB) |
Tadayyon, H., Fichtinger G., Lasso A., Vikal S., & Gill S. (2010). MRI-Guided prostate motion tracking by means of multislice-to-volume registration. SPIE Medical Imaging. ProstateTrackingSPIE_published.pdf (728.9 KB) |
Tadayyon, H., Lasso A., Gill S., Kaushal A., Guion P., & Fichtinger G. (2010). Target Motion Compensation in MRI-guided Prostate Biopsy with Static Images. EMBC2010 - 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 5416-5419. Tadayyon2010b.pdf (563.06 KB) |
Khallaghi, S., Mousavi P., Gong R. Hui, Gill S., Boisvert J., Fichtinger G., et al. (2010). Registration of a Statistical Shape Model of the Lumbar Spine to 3D Ultrasound Images. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2010. 68-75. Khallaghi2010.pdf (240.78 KB) |
Gill, S., Mousavi P., Fichtinger G., Pichora D. R., & Abolmaesumi P. (2009). Group-wise Registration of Ultrasound to CT Images of Human Vertebrae. SPIE Medical Imaging 2009: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling. 7261, na. Gill2009.pdf (758.47 KB) |
Gill, S., Mousavi P., Fichtinger G., & Abolmaesumi P. (2009). Biomechanically Constrained Groupwise US to CT Registration of the Lumbar Spine. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 5761, 803-810. Gill2009a.pdf (290.59 KB) |
Gill, S., Abolmaesumi P., Vikal S., Mousavi P., & Fichtinger G. (2008). Intraoperative Prostate Tracking with Slice-to-Volume Registration in MRI. 20th International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology. 154-158. Gill2008a.pdf (136.08 KB) |
Gill, S., Mousavi P., Fichtinger G., Pichora D. R., & Abolmaesumi P. (2008). Group-wise Ultrasound to CT Registration of the Lumbar Spine. 7th Symposium of the Imaging Network of Ontario, Toronto. 73. Gill2008.pdf (214.92 KB) |