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Harish, V., Bibic E., Lasso A., Holden M., Vaughan T., Baum Z. M. C., et al. (2017).  Monitoring electromagnetic tracking error using redundant sensors. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017. PDF icon Harish2017a.pdf (657.31 KB)
Holden, M., Keri Z., Ungi T., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Overall Proficiency Assessment in Point-of-Care Ultrasound Interventions: The Stopwatch is not Enough. Point-of-Care Ultrasound Workshop. LNCS 10549, 146-153.PDF icon Holden2017b.pdf (491.19 KB)File Holden2017b-Slides.pptx (5.4 MB)
Bibic, E., Baum Z. M. C., Harish V., Ungi T., Lasso A., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  PLUS Model Catalog: A library of 3D-printable models. 15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposiuim. PDF icon Bibic2017a.pdf (256.64 KB)File Bibic2017a-Poster.pptx (6.07 MB)
Yan, C., Ungi T., Gauvin G., Jabs D., Lasso A., C. Engel J., et al. (2017).  Quantification of tumor localization needle displacement prior to tumor excision in navigated lumpectomy. 15th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario (ImNO). PDF icon Yan2017b.pdf (150.77 KB)File Yan-IMNO-v3.pptx (1 MB)
Baum, Z. M. C., Ungi T., Lasso A., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Real-Time, Tracked, Mobile Augmented Reality Display for Surgical Navigation: Usability Study on Simulated Patients. The 9th IGT Workshop. PDF icon Baum2017c.pdf (172.76 KB)
Holden, M., Keri Z., Ungi T., Yeo C., Ring J., Fichtinger G., et al. (2017).  Reducing Cost and Complexity in Computer-Assisted Training for Lumpectomy. William Ersil Resident Research Day. PDF icon Holden2017c.pdf (60.83 KB)PDF icon Holden2017c-poster.pdf (681.31 KB)
Church, B. (2017).  Scoliosis visualization using transverse process landmarks. (Lasso, A., Schlenger C., Borschneck D. P., Mousavi P., Fichtinger G., & Ungi T., Ed.).15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO). PDF icon Church2017b.pdf (165.6 KB)PDF icon Church2017b-poster.pdf (872.64 KB)
Underwood, G., Ungi T., Baum Z. M. C., Lasso A., Kronreif G., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Skull registration for prone patient position using tracked ultrasound. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017. PDF icon Underwood2017.pdf (1.5 MB)
Yan, C., Ungi T., Gauvin G., Jabs D., Lasso A., C. Engel J., et al. (2017).  Study into the displacement of tumor localization needle during navigated breast cancer surgery. SPIE Medical Imaging. PDF icon Yan2017a.pdf (564.16 KB)
Lia, H., Keri Z., Holden M., Harish V., Mitchell C. H., Ungi T., et al. (2017).  Training with Perk Tutor improves ultrasound-guided in-plane needle insertion skill. SPIE Medical Imaging. 10135, PDF icon Lia-SPIE2017.pdf (373.32 KB)
Baum, Z. M. C., Ungi T., Lasso A., & Fichtinger G. (2017).  Usability of a real-time tracked augmented reality display system in musculoskeletal injections. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. PDF icon Baum2017a.pdf (889.77 KB)
Vaughan, T., Ungi T., Lasso A., Gauvin G., C. Engel J., Rudan J., et al. (2017).  Virtual views controlled by surgical tools for computer assisted interventions. 15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO). PDF icon Vaughan2017a.pdf (366.19 KB)
Church, B., Lasso A., Schlenger C., Borschneck D. P., Mousavi P., Fichtinger G., et al. (2017).  Visualization of scoliotic spine using ultrasound-accessible skeletal landmarks. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017. PDF icon Church2017a.pdf (814.95 KB)
Heffernan, E., Ungi T., Vaughan T., Pezeshki P., Lasso A., Gauvin G., et al. (2016).  Accuracy of lesion boundary tracking in navigated breast tumor excision. SPIE Medical Imaging 2016. 9786, 97860Y-1-6.PDF icon Heffernan2016-manuscript.pdf (303.45 KB)
Gauvin, G., Ungi T., Lasso A., Yeo C. T., Fichtinger G., Jabs D., et al. (2016).  Breast-Conserving Surgery using NaviKnife Technology: Pilot Study on Non-Palpable Tumors. Canadian Surgery Forum 2016. PDF icon Gauvin2016a.pdf (66.46 KB)
Vaughan, T., Brastianos H., Lasso A., Westerland M., Ungi T., Falkson C., et al. (2016).  Catheter targeting under electromagnetic guidance in breast brachytherapy – a demonstration of concept. 30th International Congress & Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS). Int J CARS(11), S60-62.
Holden, M., Woodcroft M., Chaplin T., Rang L., Jaeger M., Rocca N., et al. (2016).  Central Venous Catheterization Curriculum Development via Objective Performance Metrics. 14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO). PDF icon Holden2016a-Abstract.pdf (206.23 KB)File Holden2016a-Poster.pptx (1.28 MB)
Tabanfar, R., Yan C., Kempston M., Borschneck D. P., Ungi T., & Fichtinger G. (2016).  Clinical feasibility of pediatric scoliosis monitoring using portable ultrasound. Imaging Network Ontario (IMNO). PDF icon Tabanfar2016b.pdf (82.18 KB)
Yan, C., Tabanfar R., Kempston M., Borschneck D. P., Ungi T., & Fichtinger G. (2016).  Comparison of portable and conventional ultrasound imaging in spinal curvature measurement. SPIE Medical Imaging. PDF icon Yan2016a.pdf (410.12 KB)
McGraw, R. C., Chaplin T., McKaigney C., Rang L., Jaeger M., Redfearn D., et al. (2016).  Development and evaluation of a simulation-based curriculum for ultrasound guided central venous catheterization. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 18, 405-413.
Vaughan, T., Brastianos H., Lasso A., Westerland M., Ungi T., Falkson C., et al. (2016).  Electromagnetically-guided catheter insertions in breast phantoms for brachytherapy. 14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
Kapur, T., Pieper S., Lasso A., Ungi T., Pinter C., Fichtinger G., et al. (2016).  Increasing the impact of medical image computing using community-based open-access hackathons: The NA-MIC and 3D Slicer experience. Medical Image Analysis. 33, 176-180.PDF icon Kapur2016.pdf (1011.66 KB)
Baksh, A., Harish V., Ungi T., Pal R., & Fichtinger G. (2016).  An inexpensive system for competency-based pericardiocentesis training. 14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO). PDF icon Baksh2016a.pdf (919.93 KB)
Ungi, T., Vaughan T., Gauvin G., Pezeshki P., Lasso A., C. Engel J., et al. (2016).  Intraoperative user interface for navigated breast tumor surgery. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 30th International Congress. 11(Suppl. 1), S108-9.PDF icon Ungi2016c.pdf (137.38 KB)
Harish, V., Baksh A., Ungi T., Pal R., & Fichtinger G. (2016).  A low-cost system for image-guided computer-navigated pericardiocentesis training. 30th International Congress & Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS). Int J CARS (2016) 11 (Suppl 1), S112.PDF icon Harish2016b.pdf (959.69 KB)
