
Queen’s / Perk Lab students ran the table at SPIE Medical Imaging, 2009

Our students ran the table at SPIE Medical Imaging 2009. Our contingent was, by far, the most dominating presence at this very prestigious multi-conference. In the Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing conference: -Andrew Lang won 2nd Place Poster Award. -Pezhman Foroughi (former MSc student at Queen's, currently PhD student in the Perk Lab at Johns Hopkins) won Best Poster Award, Best Student Paper Award and 2nd place in the overall Merickel Award competition.

Perk Lab receives $1,000,000 research infrastructure grant

The Canada Foundation for Innovation has approved Dr. Fichtinger's project on "Percutaneous Oncology Intervention Laboratory" at the tune of $400,000. Ontario and Queen's matching funds bring the total amount of the grant to $1M. Among 44 Institutions and 312 researchers funded, this was the second highest grant:
