
Jennifer Andrea wins Ontario/Baden-Württemberg Summer Research Fellowship

Jennifer Andrea received an Ontario/Baden-Württemberg Summer Research Fellowship to spend the summer in Heidelberg at the fabled Ruprecht-Karls-Universität and the German Cancer Research Institute.

Jen will work in a collaborate project on shared open source infrastructure for radiation therapy research ( Heidelberg is doubtless one of the most spectacular places in Europe, so I suppose Jen will have a constant stream of visitors :-)


Manjunath Anand receives Hamlyn Symposium 2013 Student Travel Award

Manju has received Hamlyn Symposium 2013 Student Travel Award.

Manju will present his paper on "Workspace Analysis and Calibration Method for Mobile Image Overlay System used for Image-Guided Interventions" at the at the 6th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics will be held on Sunday, 23rd and Monday, 24th of June 2013 at the Royal Academy of Engineering, in London, UK. 

Motorcycle Ride for Dad grant funding for electromagnetic catheter tracking in prostate brachytherapy

The Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation "Motorcycle Ride For Dad" awarded funding for the project Electromagnetic catheter tracking in transrectal ultrasound-guided high dose rate brachytherapy of prostate cancer. These funds were raised by the volunteers of the Kingston-Quinte chapter of the Motorcycle Ride For Dad.

Manjunath Anand wins Best Poster Award at Queen's Graduate Computing Society Conference

Manjunath Anand received the Best Poster Award at Queen's Graduate Computing Society Conference held in earlier this week. This achievement is all the more remarkable, as Manju is a mechanical engineering master's student. His research pertains to augmented reality surgical guidance with see-through image overlay technology.  On to the next one, Manju! 

