
Guillermo Carbajal receives the 2013 International Society for Computer Aided Surgery Fellowship

Our own Guillermo Carbajal was selected as the recipient of one of the two 2013 International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (ISCAS) Fellowships.  The ISCAS Fellowship covers up to EU 2,000 towards attending CARS/ISCAS 2013 conference to be held in Heidelberg, Germany, in June 26-29, 2013. Guillermo will present his paper from the podium on "Improving N-Wire Phantom-based Freehand Ultrasound Calibration" (by  Carbajal G, Lasso A, Gómez Á, Fichtinger G). The full version of the paper is in review by the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.

Perk Lab receives Canadian Institutes of Health Research grant for Perk Tutor

Perk Lab receives Canadian Institutes of Health Research grant for Perk Tutor: Ultrasound-guided Needle Placement Training Platform. The objectives of the project is the development, translational trials and public domain dissemination of Perk Tutor, a computer-assisted clinical simulation platform for teaching ultrasound-guided needle placement procedures.

Eric Moult wins competitive peer-reviewed CIHR grant

Eric Moult's proposal to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) entitled, "Ultrasound-guided facet joint injection training using Perk Tutor" to the Undergraduate: Mobility, musculoskeletal health and arthritis award competition has been successful. Congratulations to Eric on his success in this peer-reviewed grant competition. Eric wrote the entire grant proposal, all by himself, and managed the submission. Fantastic feat for anybody and unparallel among undergraduate students. Kudos!  

PerkLab members won all Cancer Care Imaging Consortium awards at ImNO2013

The Imaging Network of Ontario 2013 Conference was a great success for representatives of the PerkLab. Our lab members won all awards of the Cancer Imaging Consortium: Tamas Ungi - 1st prize Laura Bartha- 2nd prize Matthew Holden - 3rd prize. Everyone did a great job in presenting the posters and that Csaba and Tamas were brilliant on the podium.

Ho-ho-ho .... Santa Claus visited Reza Seifabadi

Santa brought Reza something precious - the 2013-2014 Joseph E. Robert, Jr. Fellowship in Pediatric Surgical Innovation, beginning July 1, et the  Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation at the Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC. According to the letter of award “Robert Fellows are fully integrated into the Sheikh Zayed Institute and generally treated on a par with faculty and senior staff.”  This is a major professional accomplishment, to which I congratulate wholeheartedly. There is just one minor hurdle for Reza... he must graduate by July 1, ho-ho-ho.
