
Lab director Dr. Gabor Fichtinger has been awarded a Level 1 Research Chair in Medical Imaging by Cancer Care Ontario

"Dr. Gabor Fichtinger of the Queen's School of Computing has been awarded a Level 1 Research Chair in Medical Imaging by Cancer Care Ontario. This award is a recognition of the high quality of Dr. Fichtinger's contributions in the area of Biomedical Computing. The Research Chair is also the first in health care research to be awarded to a researcher in the Faculty of Arts and Science at Queen's University by an external organization." (Selim G. Akl, Professor and Director, School of Computing, Queen's University)

Lauren Gordon, LISC undergrad in the PerkLab won the "Best Undergraduate Poster Award"

Lauren Gordon, LISC undergrad in the PerkLab won the "Best Undergraduate Poster Award" for her CISC-499 diploma project at the "5th Canadian Student Conference on Biomedical Computing and Engineering, May 20-22, 2010, Waterloo, Canada".

The conference website is:


Title: Reconstruction of Needle Tracts from Fluoroscopy in Prostate Brachytherapy

Successful Ontario Research Fund - Research Excellence program grant of $7,000,000

The Ministry Of Research And Innovations has announced the successful Ontario Research Fund-Research Excellence program grants. Under this program the "Ontario Consortium for Adaptive Interventions in Radiation Oncology" (PI Dr. David Jaffray, UHN, Toronto) was funded at $7,000,000. Gabor Fichtinger will co-lead with Dr. Terry Peters (UWO) one of the four themes of the Consortium on "Open Source Software Platforms and Databases for the Adaptive Process".

Collaborative grant awarded to the Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology (ACMIT)

Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology (ACMIT) focuses on the development of new technologies for surgery, with special attention to minimally invasive procedures (MIP). The Perk Lab collaborates with ACMIT in research on percutaneous (through the skin) needle-based interventions used in diagnosis and treatment of solid cancers. The annual budget of the ACMIT is 4.3 million Euros. The guaranteed funding period is 4 years, to be followed by a non-competitive renewal of 3 years, contingent upon successful operation.

IEEE TBME best paper award for most citations in the last five years

Our paper is to receive the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering best paper award for most citations in the last five years. Congratulations in particular to Axel and Rob who were the Ph.D. students who really made this project happen.

Axel Krieger, Robert C. Susil, Cynthia Ménard, Jonathan A. Coleman, Gabor Fichtinger, Ergin Atalar, and Louis L. Whitcomb, "Design of A Novel MRI Compatible Manipulator for Image Guided Prostate Interventions". IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. IEEE Press 52. 2 (2005):306-313.

Paweena (Sue Sue) U-Thainual receives award

Paweena (Sue Sue) U-Thainual received the “Outstanding Graduate Student Achievement Award” of the School of Computing. Sue Sue is the inaugural recipient of this award. Sue Sue is enrolled in Mechanical Engineering, but her contributions and loyalty to the School of Computing were such that merited this prestigious award. Below is Sue Sue, receiving the award from Dr. Selim Akl, Director of the School of Computing.
