Breast-Conserving Surgery using NaviKnife Technology: Pilot Study on Non-Palpable Tumors.
Canadian Surgery Forum 2016.
Gauvin2016a.pdf (66.46 KB)
Catheter targeting under electromagnetic guidance in breast brachytherapy – a demonstration of concept.
30th International Congress & Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS). Int J CARS(11), S60-62.
(2016). Central Venous Catheterization Curriculum Development via Objective Performance Metrics.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
Holden2016a-Abstract.pdf (206.23 KB)
Holden2016a-Poster.pptx (1.28 MB)

Clinical feasibility of pediatric scoliosis monitoring using portable ultrasound.
Imaging Network Ontario (IMNO).
Tabanfar2016b.pdf (82.18 KB)
Comparison of portable and conventional ultrasound imaging in spinal curvature measurement.
SPIE Medical Imaging.
Yan2016a.pdf (410.12 KB)
Development and evaluation of a simulation-based curriculum for ultrasound guided central venous catheterization.
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 18, 405-413.
(2016). Electromagnetically-guided catheter insertions in breast phantoms for brachytherapy.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
(2016). Increasing the impact of medical image computing using community-based open-access hackathons: The NA-MIC and 3D Slicer experience.
Medical Image Analysis. 33, 176-180.
Kapur2016.pdf (1011.66 KB)
An inexpensive system for competency-based pericardiocentesis training.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
Baksh2016a.pdf (919.93 KB)
Intraoperative user interface for navigated breast tumor surgery.
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 30th International Congress. 11(Suppl. 1), S108-9.
Ungi2016c.pdf (137.38 KB)
A low-cost system for image-guided computer-navigated pericardiocentesis training.
30th International Congress & Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS). Int J CARS (2016) 11 (Suppl 1), S112.
Harish2016b.pdf (959.69 KB)
Measurement of electromagnetic tracking error in a navigated breast surgery setup.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2016. 9786,
Harish2016a.pdf (4.07 MB)
Monitoring electromagnetic tracking error in computer-navigated breast cancer surgery.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
Harish2016c.pdf (1.25 MB)
MR-guided perineural injection of the ganglion impar: technical considerations and feasibility.
Skeletal Radiology.
(2016). Open-source platforms for navigated image-guided interventions.
Medical Image Analysis. 33, 181-6.
Ungi2016a.pdf (868.77 KB)
Real-time self-calibration of a handheld augmented reality overlay system.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
Baum2016b.pdf (679.99 KB)
Real-time self-calibration of a tracked augmented reality display.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2016. 9786,
Baum2016a.pdf (1.85 MB)
Safety and Feasibility Study for Real-Time Electromagnetic Navigation in Breast-Conserving Surgery.
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 30th International Congress. 11(Suppl. 1), S106-7.
Gauvin2016a.pdf (492.77 KB)
System for objectively evaluating colonoscopy procedural skills using motion analysis.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
(2016). Vertebral landmark visualization with portable ultrasound imaging in scoliosis monitoring.
14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
Yan2016b.pdf (388.09 KB)
Visual feedback mounted on surgical tool: proof of concept.
SPIE Medical Imaging 2016. 9786,
(2016). An application of redundant sensors for intraoperative electromagnetic tracking error monitoring.
15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium.
Harish2017b.pdf (504.36 KB)
Assessing Technical Competency in Simulated Colonoscopy Using Joint Motion Analysis.
15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
Holden2017a.pdf (336.2 KB)
Holden2017a-Poster.pptx (6.96 MB)

Demonstration of Catheter Insertion Using Electromagnetic Guidance in Breast Brachytherapy.
European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO) Annual Congress. Radiother Oncol 123(Supplement 1), S91.
(2017). Electromagnetically-generated catheter paths for breast brachytherapy.
15th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (ImNO).
Vaughan2017b.pdf (259.27 KB)