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Krieger, A., Iordachita I., Csoma C., Fichtinger G., & Whitcomb L. L. (2008).  Design and Preliminary Clinical Studies of an MRI-Guided Transrectal Prostate Intervention System. 7th International Symposium on Interventional MRI. 6-10.
Krieger, A., Guion P., Csoma C., Iordachita I., Singh A. K., Kaushal A., et al. (2008).  Design and Preliminary Clinical Studies of an MRI-Guided Transrectal Prostate Intervention System. International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). PDF icon Krieger2008.pdf (537.8 KB)
Fischer, G., Krieger A., Iordachita I., Whitcomb L. L., & Fichtinger G. (2008).  MRI Compatibility of Robot Actuation Techniques - A Comparative Study. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 5242, 509-517.PDF icon Fischer2008.pdf (1.54 MB)
Krieger, A., Guion P., Csoma C., Iordachita I., Singh A. K., Kaushal A., et al. (2008).  MRI Guided Prostate Biopsy and Marker Placements. Workshop on Clinical Image-Guided Therapy: Opportunities and Needs.
Xu, H., Lasso A., Vikal S., Guion P., Krieger A., Kaushal A., et al. (2010).  Accuracy validation for MRI-guided robotic prostate biopsy. Medical Imaging 2010: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling. 762517 - 762517-8.PDF icon Xu2010.pdf (935.18 KB)
Xu, H., Lasso A., Vikal S., Guion P., Krieger A., Kaushal A., et al. (2010).  Clinical Accuracy of Robot-Assisted Prostate Biopsy in Closed MRI Scanner. The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics. PDF icon Xu2010b.pdf (188.52 KB)
Xu, H., Lasso A., Vikal S., Guion P., Krieger A., Kaushal A., et al. (2010).  MRI-Guided Robotic Prostate Biopsy: A Clinical Accuracy Validation. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2010). 383-391.PDF icon Xu2010c.pdf (311.94 KB)
Xu, H., Lasso A., Vikal S., Guion P., Krieger A., Kaushal A., et al. (2010).  MRI-Guided Transrectal Robotic Prostate Biopsy Validation. The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting 2010, July 18-22. 37, 3128 (2010), 3128-3129.PDF icon Xu2010d.pdf (154.91 KB)
Xu, H., Lasso A., Guion P., Krieger A., Kaushal A., Singh A. K., et al. (2013).  Accuracy analysis in MRI-guided robotic prostate biopsy. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 8, 937-944.PDF icon XuIJCARS2013.pdf (451.55 KB)
Xu, H., Lasso A., Guion P., Krieger A., Kaushal A., Singh A. K., et al. (2013).  Accuracy analysis in MRI-guided robotic prostate biopsy. CARS 2013 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 8, 211.PDF icon Xu2013.pdf (105.26 KB)
